Clients over the years:

2002 -  2003  -  2004  -  2005  -  2006 -  2007  -  2008  -  2009 -  2010  -  2011  -  2012  -  2013  -  2014  -  2015  -  2016  -  2017  -  2018  -  2019  -  2020 -  2021 - 2022 - 2023

This page presents a partial list of conferences that have used START V2. Wherever possible, we provide a link to the conference home page. If you wish to contact previous users of START V2 - and get a first-hand report on their experience with the tool - then you can just follow some of these links, and send mail to the conference organizers. The feedback we get is quite positive (which explains the large number of users). However, please feel free to verify this for yourself.

The list below is not exhaustive. It does not include many of the current users of START V2, since updates to this page are made only sporadically. If you're really interested in a comprehensive listing of events that use (or used) START to manage their workflow, we suggest you try searching Google. The following search will produce a rather long listing of hits - not all of which are related to START (although most are):

Search Google for START!